


亚傅体育app下载建设于2005年,注册资源5000万元,实收资源5000万元 。公司拥有湖北省农作物种子生产谋划允许证、国家转基因棉花生产谋划允许证、水稻种子收支口谋划允许证,是国家高新手艺企业、武汉市农业工业化重点龙头企业、首批武汉市科技型企业、市级企业研发中心 。公司拥有200亩科研育种基地,15000余亩杂交水稻种子生产基地,10000亩通例水稻种子滋生基地,3000亩油菜种子生产基地,以及标准化的分子实验室、专业化的磨练检测装备、现代化的种子加工仓储设施和完善的营销效劳网络 。以水稻、油菜、棉花种子三个产品线形成了“育、繁、推”一体化的现代种业企业,年销售杂交水稻、油菜、棉花种子300万公斤,通例水稻种子500万公斤,年销售收入破亿元 。

依托现有基础与优势,公司通过自主生长与重组整合,致力打造成为以分子生物手艺为先导,生物育种立异与古板育种手段相团结,选育与生产谋划相团结的种子工业领先企业;致力推动公司与资源市场接轨,通过实体谋划与资源谋划的良性互动,实现公司工业市场价值和资源市场价值的双重提升,实现公司客户、投资人和社会的互利、协调、共赢 。


Company Profile

Wuhan CMP Super Seeds Co., Ltd. was established in 2005 with a registered capital of 50 million yuan?and paid-in capital of 50 million yuan. The company has the Hubei Provincial Crop Seed Production and Operation License, the National Transgenic Cotton Production and Operation License, and the Rice Seed Import and Export Operation License. It is a national high-tech enterprise, a key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization in Wuhan, the first batch of science and technology enterprises in Wuhan, and a municipal enterprise research and development center. Company has research and breeding base of 200 mu, 15000 mu of hybrid rice seed production base, 10000 mu of conventional rice seed breeding base, and a rape seed production base of 3,000 mu, as well as the standardization of molecular laboratories, professional inspection and testing equipment, the seeds of modern processing facilities and perfect marketing service network, integrated rice, rapeseed, cotton seeds three product lines which form the integration of the modern seed industry enterprises in breeding, producing and promoting, the sales of hybrid rice, rapeseed, cotton seed 1.5 million kg and conventional rice seeds 5 million kilograms, annual sales income more than one hundred million yuan.

Relying on the existing foundation and advantages, through independent development, reorganization and integration, the company is committed to become a leading seed industry enterprise with molecular biotechnology as the guide, the combination of biological breeding innovation and traditional breeding means, and the combination of breeding and production management.?We will catch every opportunity to promote the company's integration with the capital market, and strive to achieve the double promotion of the company's industrial market value and capital market value through the benign interaction between the entity operation and capital operation. In this way, we will realize the mutual benefit, harmony and win-win situation of our employees, customers, investors and the society.


